Embody Healing Elixir 20ml
Embody Healing Elixir 20ml
Sacral Alignment & Kundalini Activation.
Intuit between 3-15 drops under the tongue morning and evening, or throughout the day in periods of stress or meditation, as part of your wellbeing ritual. Add a few drop to your drinking water to increase its frequency and medicinal properties.
Embody is a powerfully energising and frequency raising elixir. Helping us manifest abundance through following our joy and bliss. Stimulating creativity and a gentle rise in kundalini energy, Embody is a perfect tool for attunement and mediation. Charges up passion and sexual vigour and helps us overcome exhaustion.
Connecting our spiritual energies to thought and action through grounding and integration, Embody rekindles a passion and motivation for life, stimulating heart-felt love, whilst deflecting and shielding from energetic draining and psychic attack. Expanding consciousness, selfless love and compassion by integrating spiritual and material energies, helping to surface repressed emotions –especially where they have been deemed unacceptable. Aids and improves self worth and soothes emotional stress, gently and compassionately bringing painful and repressed feelings to the surface for acknowledgment and emotional release with loving awareness.
Embody encourages safe and spontaneous expression of feelings, including passion and erotic urges. Mentally enlivening, it instils a positive attitude and enhances a dream state and creativity, lifting depressed mood and lightening heaviness. Helps us release the fear of losing control of our behaviour and concern around setbacks so we don't give up. Embody can be energising after periods of exhaustion, resignation and apathy, imparting a dynamic and positive attitude.
Helping to release tensions and increase fluidity and flow through energy systems and meridians, Embody cleanses and transforms our energy and lifeforce. Assisting us in tuning into previous lives to heal karmic patterns whilst helping us to look positively towards the future, Embody helps sharpen our intuitive reflexes bringing courage and passion.
Ingredients: Black Hollyhock, Equisetum, Oregano Leaf. Rose, Mallow & Daisy Petals. Gemstone Essence; Carnelian Agate, Dragon Stone (Jasper), Ruby Kyanite, Rhodochrosite, Stromatolite. Bach Flower Remedy; Cherry Plum, Gentian, Gorse, Oak, Wild Rose.